
Went to Walmart. Checked mail.

Got up a little before 11:00. Brushed hair, oiled beard, combed beard, put on deodorant. Took pills, made and ate tea and oats. Logged into SDF Public Access UNIX System.

11:30. Went to Walmart. Got dark chocolate, English breakfast tea, cilantro, and green onion. Going to have lentil sandwiches for dinner tonight. Had an oatmilk Starbucks frappuccino on the way home.

Breakfast Lentils

12:53. Returned from Walmart. Checked mail: The PO box was so full! Brought in groceries. Read the mail: My primary care physician is retiring. Had a wonderful visist to the bathroom. Checked Mastodon and email: Nothing.

13:26. Logged into IRCNow Minutemin Bootcamp training host. I hope I can tackle "unbound" today.

15:26. Finished unbound and nsd on the Minutemin Bootcamp. All I have left is reverse DNS, and email stuff. My trainer jrmu left for a few hours; I took a break.

Nervous about tomorrow. I have to demonstrate how my autism, depression and anxiety makes it so that I can't keep a job.

18:00. Checked Gemini. librehacker made a post about trees and birds. jrmu introduced me to my future teammates on IRCNow.

19:00. Had coconut pineapple bubly with a spoonful of honey and a shot of whiskey. Ate two lentil-tahini sandwiches for dinner. Finished the last of my tea. Talked about GNU Hurd in #guix on Libera.Chat.

Subscribed to some blogs.



Richard Stallman


21:30. Went upstairs and got ready for bed. Chatted on COM and IRC.

"Walmart" was published on April 17, 2024.
