
Ate Pumpkin Pie

December 21, 2024

Ate pizza. Ate pumpkin pie. Chatted online. Watched TV.

12:30. Finally got out of bed. Just haven't been feeling too well. Not looking forward to my family's Christmas dinner.

Chatted online. Fell asleep in front of the TV. Not feeling well.

15:00. Ate two slices of pizza marinara. Ate two slices of pumpkin pie with coconut whipped cream. Feeling a lot better.

Made Yunnan Arbor Tree Black Tea. Turned on Mom's Christmas tree lights.

Watched National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and Elf on TV.

Tried the Shiner Bock Holiday Cheer beer. It tastes like a peanch IPA. Blech!

21:50. Went to bed.