Went to Whole Foods. Went to Walmart. Chatted online.
Got up at 11:30 again. Took pills, brushed hair, etc. Had a bowl of oatmeal. Made tea.
Went to Whole Foods. Got Shiner Bock holiday cheer beer, vegan pumpkin pie, fresh spring rolls, sushi, tempeh, and sesame balls. Spent a whopping $80 USD.
Went to Walmart. Got oats, bottled water, frozen stir fry vegetables, and rice noodles. Spent the rest of all our money... Had six cents left to pay, and coludn't pay cash. Had to transfer to another register.
17:00. Finally arrived home. Did not go to post office, since it was so late. Drank a blood orange soda on the way home. Put away the groceries in the kitchen.
Tested Glenneth's pull request on my new website and found several issues. Hopefully they can be resolved.
Ate fresh spring rolls. Ate sushi. Ate sesame balls. Ate a bowl of rice noodles with mixed vegetable and tempeh stir fry.