

August 17, 2024

Chatted online. Researched full system backup solutions. Watched first Chiefs game of the year. Imaged hard drive with Rescuezilla. Watched TV.

Today's goal was to read the weekly תורה (Torah) portion.


09:00. Got up to my alarm. Got dressed. Went downstairs. Got some jasmine tea and mixed it with some Starry lemon-lime soda. Took my meds. Got on my laptop. Checked Snikket. Checked Mastodon. Logged onto SDF. Took vitamin B12.

10:00. Ran system backup with Timeshift. Checked email. Emailed developer of Timeshift about whether or not it can handle LUKS-encrypted systems.

11:00. Talking to friend from Norway about healthy eating. We both need to start doing it: Lower intake of fat and simple sugar. Had a delightful visit to the restroom.


12:00. Tried to read תורה portion but got distracted and gave up. Ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes with soy milk and finished it off with a medjool date.

13:00. Went to the convenience store in town to get Mom's cigarettes. Wrote Rescuezilla to a spare USB stick. Watched TV.

14:00. Chatted on SDF and Snikket. Discovered Wrote it to the USB stick. Did not work. Wrote Rescuezilla directly to USB stick instead.

15:00. Watched football. Imaged Miller's hard drive with Rescuezilla.


18:30. Wrote backup procedure. Watched Bob's Burgers on TV. Ate a grilled cheese, a bowl of tomato soup, three slices of tomato, and two pieces of bread and butter.

19:00. Watched TV. Made system snapshot to update Fedora before bed. Published this post, synced home directories to my laptop, and backed up my laptop to HUSKY HDD.