
Dear Diary

April 10, 2024

Helped Uncle John with his Roku. Went to Walmart. Got prescriptions in the mail. Removed CSS styling from my website. Updated my contact information and signed it with GNU Privacy Guard.

Contact information

I had my usual breakfast. I made a bowl of oatmeal and topped it with apple butter and hemp seeds. With it, I drank a cup of tea with soy milk. Figuring out what to have for dinner was a challenge, but we settled on Chinese fried rice. I use the simple, fat-free recipe from Dr. McDougall.

"Fried" rice recipe

At Walmart, I got frozen stir fry veggies for my "fried" rice. I also got tofu Chinese dumplings, brown rice, and a loaf of bread. Before leaving, I cheated a little on my diet and got two Starbucks oatmilk fraps, which was around a whopping four hundred calories! But I didn't eat lunch, so it should even out.

I finally got my pills in the mail today!

I made some changes to my website. Gone are the crazy fonts and styling. From now on, there will be absolutely no styling on my site whatsoever. Pages will be written in a simplistic manner, using a subset of Markdown, similar in spirit to the pages one finds on Geminispace. I'm counting on your device to take care of the styling to display pages the way you want, not display them the way I want. Hopefully you will enjoy this simplicity and find it empowering. Feel free to apply your own style sheets to my site. Have fun!

Info about Gemini

I've been having a pleasant experience with Hermes, my ThinkPad X200s with Trisquel GNU/Linux. I use Icedove for email, Profanity for Snikket (XMPP), Toot for Mastodon, Amfora for browsing Geminispace, Abrowser for browsing the Web, and Vorta (Borg) for doing backups over SSH. I found a guy from Kansas City on Geminispace, named "Rob".

Rob on Gemini (requires a Gemini app)

I've noticed something peculiar about Haunt, the software that generates my webpages. When I write posts in SXML, the whole entire post is printed to the preview on the home page. When I write posts in Markdown, only the first paragraph is shown (as intended for previews). I do not know why this is the case, but it is quite annoying. I don't want to go back and change all my posts to Markdown just to get the previews to behave properly. In fact, I'd like to move the "Recent posts" page to "/csh/blog" and have a very simple homepage instead, but I don't know how to do all this in Haunt, so that may come later.

Logged into SDF Public Access UNIX System to chat on COM. Tuned in to aNONradio using VLC. MATE session crashed.

Configured pastebinit. The only free software pastebin it supports is sprunge.

20:00. Had "fried" rice and tofu dumplings for dinner.